
REVIEW: Olor Deodorant Spray!


Assalamualaikum Girls!

 Hope you all are doing well and enjoying the monsoon season all over Pakistan. Today I'm reviewing a much awaited product and I've been wanting to review it as soon as I got it, but Ramadan happened and right after Eid college resumed which meant pulling all nighters and popping out of bed at 6 am after having a few hours of sleep the night before. Anyhow now that I finally have sometime in my sleeves (lol kidding got a week full of presentation from Monday) I'm going to give a short and precise review of the Norwegian brand Olor Deodorant spray that was sent to us by the ever so kind peeps at Olor Pakistan

We've reviewed Olor 24 hours protection deodorants before too, you can read our previous review Here .

This time Olor is back with a a whole new look plus a whole new range of scents and new Brand Ambassador. We received Preet, romantic red and peachy pink from their new range. So let's begin with the review:

Olor-Peachy pink

This is a fun spray designed for a day out at the beach. It smells fruity but not very strong which is good, because some fruits scent tend to make me nauseated so i love its light light fruity smell. I would def wear this everyday!

Olor- Preet

OK! Can we please pause for a moment an appreciate the packaging of Olor Preet deo spray. It's super cute! I love the tribal pattern, it def caught my attention when I first saw it. It smells like baby wipes honestly, i have a horrible way of explaining scents but i find baby wipes scent Amazing, so if you've smelled those in your life then that would help to imagine it, hehe! It also has a touch of floral scents which is quite refreshing.

Olor- Romantic Red

A rather very strong scent i must admit! It is fruity but a little too much for me. This is perfect for a night out or if you're into intense smelling perfumes you might like this one.

So my favorite from all of the Olor Deodorants would be the Peachy pink one. This is the type of scent i will spray on when I need a burst of freshness after a tiring day at college.

Olor 24 hours protection deodorant comes in 150 ml metal container with a plastic cap for Rs.218 and you can find them at all leading stores around Pakistan.

Hope you all liked today's review. Stay tuned for some more In sha Allah. Let us know if you've tried any of Olor Pakistan deodorants and if yes then which one?

The Syeda Sisters

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