
Aldo Pay It Forward Campaign!


Today, we're posting a different kind of post it's a recap post because this was a wonderful experience we could not just leave it at that so we had to tell you all about the Aldo Pay It Forward Campaign. Where we reached at 7:30 AM and there were already 4/5 people who had reached before us and were already in line !

We shall begin by showing you the amazing line up of crowds that had come from all over Bahrain to attend the 2 hour extravaganza!

That was outside, now let's take you all the way inside up to the ALDO store.

Everyone was trying to keep themselves busy on their phones or by talking to their neighbors as the whole mall was closed.

Now, as you reached the store i.e - at the end of the line, just before our turn we got these cards , which we had to give inside along with our slightly used shoes after which we got to pick any pair of shoes for completely free.

The excitement got to me thus the blurry picture!

Inside, everything was quite calm before the timer hit as we all had 15 minutes to pick a pair and everyone got to try on two pairs before they finalized what they wanted! The catch was that it was for only two hours (9AM to 11AM), they were letting in 25 customers at a time for only fifteen minutes.

Once, the timer hit the store was buzzing with excitement and happy kind of chaos, people were running from one side of the store to the other trying to decide which pair they'd like to get as we could try on only two different types before we finalized.

He was in shock with the choice variety as you can see!

It wasn't just him, we all were spoiled for choice it was their latest AW'16 collection.

This is what I picked for my little sister.

The staff were all working at an amazing speed to cater to all twenty  five of us in the given time frame. It honestly felt like we were in a live game show hehe.

One more thing, as we were leaving the staff were clapping and thanking us I mean come on how much more sweeter could they be, they were thanking us for our donations and we already got pay back as new shoes.

Last but certainly not the least, I took this picture when I was leaving the store leaving behind the remainder of our batch of people still trying to make their choices. Oh and one more thing as we left the people in the line waiting were staring at us I felt so guilty lol for being in the first batch but the I reminded myself that I got up at 5:30am to be here, life is all about choices right?!

All in all, it was an amazing initiative by one of the most prominent handbags and shoes brand in the world. Glad Sulmaniya Rotary Club took the partnership and responsibility to give the needy shoes just before winter began and what a winter it's been.

Till the next post,
Take Care you'll 
The Syeda Sisters 

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