
Summary: Our Felt Tip Liners


This is just a short post to show you all the Felt Tip Liners we have and tested and to tell you which one we love the most ! 

As you can see the L'oreal Super Liner was really disappointing! Rimmel Colour Precise was starting to disappoint me but then I kept it in my fridge for a while, and after that it's been fine all by itself and well I can't complaint anymore. As for Eye of Horus Liquid Define it has always been there for me and has always worked consistently without any tantrums! We recently got the Gosh Giant Pro Liner and now this is my favorite as it takes me minutes to use it and in one go I'm satisfied with the pigmentation and the line is amazing I don't have to go back and fill it in because Ahamdulillah it comes out perfectly just like any marker would and so far it's been awesome always on point!

Till our next post,
The Syeda Sisters!

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  1. I LOOOOVE Eye Markers yum This post made me drool!
