
A Very Above Normal Package!


Assalamualaikum girls!

How's everyone doing? Most of you guys probably are back to university/school from your summer holidays now, it must feel sucky and challenging to get back in to routine, I'm guessing. I've been having a hard time too since coming back from Bahrain and trying to normalize my daily university routine, I'm so counting days till the next vacay, seriously!
Handwritten notes always make our day!

As we unboxed the awesome package we discovered the most cutest and adorable items we've ever seen they even had dried flowers and cute wrapping paper with paint effects on it! Like no joke everything was well thought out! Have a look at them yourself!

That is true...educationally speaking ;)
Girly & Funky!
Will post what's in these separately.

How creative is this?!
For our important letters/notes!

We have to get an iPhone 6!

So talking about routine & stuff have you guys checked out my super cute agenda from Above Normal on our Instagram? Around Eid-ul-Fitr this year we received a box filled with goodies from the Team at Above Normal, which obviously made us float on to cloud nine!

I've started to use my agenda, and even though there is not much happening in my life right now apart from university to jot down, I still find time to journal my everyday routine at the end of the day just for something to look back at one day, In sha Allah.

As you can see we got a bunch of stationery items (pens,postcards,paper pins,pushpins) that have all become our favorites from the time we received them!

Just FYI: Above Normal is an online store that sells literally EVERYTHING to do with your lifestyle! It's based in the UAE and the owner is just the sweetest person we've come across, super kind and down to earth! They have everything from mobile phone cases to kitchen utensils to cute motivational messages inscribed on bags and towels and in coffee holders. We've been loving them ever since we discovered them & love them even more now! Since, we've personally tried their products and the quality is impeccable!

They have quite a lot of awesome kitchen accessories and crockery as well , they sent us this beautiful set!

All in all , we love them and we Recommend all of you to check them out right now by clicking here  www.theabovenormal.com and also follow them on their Instagram,Twitter and Facebook - @abvnrml to see all the awesome creative inventions that are available with them!

Lots of Love,
The Syeda Sisters

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