
Review: Bottega Verde Aloe Vera Foot Bath


Hey hey hey! 

Okay! I think this is the last of things we have from this brand which we hadn't shown you all :p So if you're into foot care read along! Okay so I don't know about you girls but I don't take care of my feet as much as I should I have work errands to run almost everyday trips to the banks and clients and honestly my feet have to do a lot of work! Therefore I've made a resolution to take better care of them from now on wards!

Packaging: Super sturdy as you can see and the size is not too big not too small , travel friendly because of the size and also because the lid shuts perfectly so no danger of it leaving your suitcase/bag messed up! It has 250mg of content in it but it's a lot to last you for more than six months as you use one tablespoon per foot dipping!

Instructions: Take a bucket of water (hot) and as much as you want I take enough to cover both my feet ankles but it's up to you and I make sure it's Luke warm so it's faster and more effectively takes care of my skin. But I have friends who use cold water too so it's totally a personal choice! Then, go ahead and put in a few spoons (I use 1 Tbsp) of the foot bath salts in it and give it a stir. Once it's all dissolved dip your feet in! 

Review:  I am really not sure how to review this honestly, so I'll just tell you what happens I guess umm.. I did the above instructions and instantly smelled menthol so my first impression was oh medicated / refreshing hehe then I continued and soaked my feet in the water mixed with the salt. I personally think sitting in one place with your feet will automatically release your stress levels so I'm, sorry I don't give credit for being stress relieving to this because I can't agree to something like that. Yes , it does make the process faster by working on the dead cells of your heels and leaving the feet smelling like mint and just a general feeling of freshness because they are squeaky clean and you have to follow it by scrubbing your ankles so you can get rid of the dead skin cells for best results and if you do it right you'll have skin feeling like a baby's bum!

Price & Availability: I'm not sure about the price and it's easily available at all Bottega Verde Stores the one in Bahrain is located at Seef Mall Muharraq.

There are lots of ways of getting rid of the dead skin cells of our feet. The main point is to moisturize so if you don't have this Aloe Vera Foot Bath, no worries you can replace it with a few drops of shampoo or hand wash.

Till our next post,
With Love,
The Syeda Sisters

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