
Event: Oysho Re-Opens at Bahrain City Centre


Ok, as much as I love the thought of working out I try to procrastinate about it equally. I don't know what sort of motivation I need to start moving! like I know what to do, and might figure out how to do it too (probably through those Youtube exercise videos, hehe) but oh how much I need someone to push me, seriously. I'm sure all the procrastinators can relate to this, yeah?

Okay! Enough of ranting, the reason I've been going on and on about working out and so on is because of this Super CUTE, (when i say cute, I mean caaaaayuuuute) Brand OYSHO that recently got re-furbished at Bahrain City Centre last month and they invited us over to the re-opening event!

Our View as we entered!
So, for people who aren't aware Oysho is a Spanish clothing retailer specialising in women's homewear and undergarments and have also ventured into gym and fitness wear. The company is part of the Inditex group and was founded in 1977. 

Let's begin with our stroll through the store to see the range... just FYI OYSHO sells a large range of  super comfy and cute (I'm sorry for constantly using "cute" since there is no other proper word in the dictionary that describes what I saw there) Night PJ's with matching soft slippers, robes, night gowns etc..

Teen Collection Uber Cute!
This robe was such amazing material so soft and comfortable!
So basically, you can get a complete set of nightwear for your needs it's a one stop shop for nightwear or comfy house wear.

They also have all these simple yet comfy looking no-shows,leggings and undergarments.

They even had night slippers that looked like bunnies and squirrels and matching eye covers ( I mean look at them for Lord's sake!) like OMG, I want to own alllll of em'! Please! 

Below, is an image of their super big and neat trial rooms just FYI , cause they say a lot about a store for me :)

Oh and let's not forget the things that motivated me to start working out in style, OYSHO sports/gym/yoga wear! Just have a look below you'll know what I mean, I loved the entire range felt them and stared at them long enough to know that they are super comfortable and are very popular!

And guess what?! Oysho secured the exclusive rights to supply training and leisure time apparel to the Spanish Rhythmic Gymnsatics Team! Doesn't get cooler than that does it?! 

All sports wear available!
Q. How comfy do these jogging tracks look? A. They were Super Comfy!
Oh and there was also a prop photo booth and balloons and appetizers from Westin the three things every party needs! :D
Part of the Gymwear collection!
So, all in all I absolutely loved the new OYSHO store, the interior looks warm and welcoming and you've already seen their awesome collection and understand why I'm so excited about it! And a special mention about these two beautiful ladies below Oysho's Marketing Specialist Noor and Store Manager Yasmeen they made me feel super welcome and explained in detail about the brand and the new additions to their collections had a lovely time chatting away!

Meet Noor and Yasmeen!

If you're the Fitspo kind or you're looking for extremely comfortable and elegant night wear for an occasional gift or just for a slumber party or just to chill at home then we definitely Recommend you to check out the collection at OYSHO at the Ground Floor of Bahrain City Centre opposite Colombus Cafe!

Till the next post!
Happy Shopping Ladies!!!
The Syeda Sisters

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