
Review: Garnier SkinActive Micellar Cleansing Water #SoEasy


Hello y'all.
How's the heat in your part of the world? Karachi has reached up to 38 degrees from the past few weeks and I'm not liking it at all , and its only April, don't know whats going to happen in Ramadan though.

Anywho a few days back I received a package from Lotus PR and I did a whole unpackaging session on our Instagram story @TheSyedaSistersblog . So if you watched it then you probably know what we got. You guys must've heard, and im pretty sure - googled about the much trending make up removing product "Micellar water".

So Garnier Pakistan sent us a bottle of Garnier SkinActive All in one Micellar cleansing water along with a very cute glass jar filled with cotton balls to become a part of the #MicellarMovement.

After much procrastination I decided to give it a go and see how good this Micellar water technique is. Let's proceed with the review.

What they claim?
The Garnier SkinActive Micellar water is a Miracle that will save you, your skin, and most importantly your time. It's Dual purpose makeup remover and cleanser that gets off your makeup and cleanses your skin of any dirt with magnetic miceller technology . No more need to rub, the micells capture makeup, impurities and pollution like magnets. Suits all skin types, even sensitive. No perfume- no alcohol- paraben free and Hypoallergic.

How to use it?
Apply onto the face with soaked cotton pads without rinsing.

So first of all I applied all the lipstick and lipglosses I  had onto the back of my hand to see how good it could remove these heavily glossed and matte lippies. The micellar water did feel like water, literally, it didn't smell like anything, it didn't have a weird consistency/ fluidity and pretty much lived up to the name of Water.

So, on one swipe the sticky lipgloss and dry lipstick were gone, Sachi! I kid not, You can see it in the image above. I'm impressed. Next I tried it on my wrist by applying a good layer of Primer plus foundation. I swiped a the cotton ball across the center and et voila it was gone. It didn't smell at all, no fruity or floral scents nor could i smell the makeup i had applied which is fair enough for me.

I was very curious about the no-rinsing post makeup removal part. I've always felt the need to wash my face just for the sake of satisfaction and mostly because i could feel a layer of oily material on my skin and Honestly I did feel the need to do that and I could still feel that "something" I had always felt with my other makeup removers, but this time it was a little less annoying and oily than the others.

What's interesting is it that particlar part where I had used the Micellar water made my skin soft after the rinse (ok wow). And the main part how many cotton balls did i need to take of the makeup? ust one. yes you read it right, only 1 for all the gunk. I found this impressive too.

I might want to use it again on my no-makeup oily skin after I come back from college to see how much it can cleanse my skin since it also claims to remove dirt and cleanse.

Garnier skinactive Micellar Cleansing water is available in all leading super markets, hypermarkets around Pakistan and Bahrain. I got the 125 ml bottle which Garnier claims to suffice at least 60 uses so this better last for a while. Price Rs.199. It's also available in 400 ml bottle for around Rs.500.

Rating : 4 out of 5 stars.

I hope you all liked this review. Have you tried the Garneir Micellar water yet? If yes than how did you like it, let us know in the comment section below.

Till the next review!
The Syeda Sisters.

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