
Preview of Alison Nelson's Chocolate Bar


What did we do a few weekends ago?! Attended a launch of a Chocolate Bar. I was honestly very excited to check it out as I had heard a lot about the Dubai branch.

As you enter this is your view, a delectable selection of Chocolates awesome enough to tempt anyone to enter the Chocolate Bar.

A close up of the chocolates - because me being the Chocoholic I am... how could I not?!

To my surprise this is what I was offered as I made my way inside to click take a tour of the newly opened Choco Bar. It was a really refreshing strawberry and lemon mojito and the mini pizzas were exactly how they are everywhere nothing out of the ordinary and there was a cute serving of feta cheese.

To sum it up this was what I had while I was there , I had to rush to another event so couldn't stay for long to try out their menu, maybe they'll invite me some other time ;)

Let us give you a tour of the interiors of the Chocolate Bar , without further a due.

From where I was seated this was my view.

They had a pretty awesome selection of cakes and pastries as you can see:

So tempted!
This was on the left side from the counter it has life rules to follow written which I found very nice , we all need a reminder of this once in a while.

This was one of the show pieces , quiet a creative thought.

Okay on the other corner of the cafe they have this corner pillar on which customers can write down their wishes or thoughts and paste them.

Seating arrangements so that you get an idea of the comfort taken cake of.

Their social media advertising because who isn't these days?

They have quite a few of these shelves around the cafe and they've kept the normal items in them which make it easily accessible for the staff and help them in serving the customers, I honestly thought it gave a comfortable homely feel to the place.

Last but not the least their logo , perfect located for taking pictures with hehe.

They have a seating arrangement for a few customers outside as well if you'd like your privacy or the outdoor weather, which is quite pleasant these days.

Timing: Opens at mid day 9AM and close at mid night (12AM)

Another view, of the inside where it shows the customer's hand written messages on another pillar.

Location: It is located at The Courtyard, Seef , quite hard to miss it as we walk into the courtyard in your left , below is an image to make it even easier for you to reach there!

We had a nice time the staff were very welcoming and polite , can't say much about the food as we didn't get to try anything but the menu as compared to other cafe's had a larger variety and the prices were higher too. Hope you liked our picture heavy post.

Lots of Love,
The Syeda Sisters

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