
Brushed Studio Launch!


Dear Girlies,

Here's an event post of Beauty Parlour Studio that recently opened its doors to the Bahraini public. It's an innovative idea by 2 make-up and 2 hair experts all friends of course to set up this beauty parlor along with a professional photography studio so a one stop shop for models as well as brides or anyone who wants to attend any sort of event followed by good photos before they leave for the event itself.

Below, are a few shots of the parlor area as most of the guests were here didn't get shots of the studio as it was downstairs.

They also carry local make up artists innovations such as the eye lashes or lipsticks as you can see below and mind you, these are all affordable priced.

Eye Lashes
These below are bamboo brushes which were so soft and delicate , I cannot brag enough they were lovely and again this range is by a local make up artist names Azhar Hubail. Below that you can the Organicare range which is made up of all natural product and home made by a local so it's a win win situation:

For bookings or appointments please call or message below numbers:
36267274 and 36601001 

Opening Time : 10:00 am
Closing Time : 7:00 pm
Opening Days : All days of the week

It is located in Adliya, Block 338 at the Shukri Photography Studio on the main road very hard to miss it.

Overall, it was a nice experience to meet these wonderful ladies who made an effort and are doing what they love always lovely and motivating to see that.

For more follow them on Insta - https://www.instagram.com/brushedstudio

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