
Labello Fruity Shine: Cherry!


Assalam alaikum lovelies,

Today, I'll be doing a short and sweet review about my favorite lip balm or chap stick by Nivea which is synonymous to lip balms all over the world Labello! I've been using it for a while now.

  • Very simple packing easy to open as you can see below.
  • Travel friendly.
  • As in the cap closes firmly once shut no danger that it'll smear anywhere in your bag. 
  • It's weight is a mere 4.8 grams therefore light and easy to handle. 
  • Bullet has enough Labello to last any normal chap stick user quite a while.

Front side.
Back with instructions & ingredients.

  • This gave me a natural light red tint which is exactly what I was looking for. 
  • It also moisturized my lips and hydrated them as it claims for a few hours without re applying but after few hours you should as I felt it doesn't have too long of a staying power.
  • It's scented in cherry which I like about it. There are a variety of flavors including a neutral one in case you like unscented ones.
  • If you have chapped lips this is a MUST TRY for you and if you're suffering from sore lips due to either too hot or too cold weather. 
  • I should also mention here that you should try it , if you're looking for a hydrating chap stick for daily use to prevent chapped lips.
  • I give it  ★★★ 4/5 stars & Recommend it as for me it served its purpose and RECOMMEND it.

As I mentioned a light tint.
Price & Availability:
  • It is priced ranging from BD 1.200/- to 0.890 Fils only 
  • It is available at almost every supermarket, cold store and definitely all hypermarkets in Bahrain usually near the check out counters or in the medical rows easily.
  • Also available on many shopping websites, Google them.

That's how cute it is!

I must mention that Nivea's Labello range varies a lot in it's flavors, textures from shiny to glossy to with SPF and without etc , the formula also varies from country to country so your experience might be different from mine but I've rarely heard anyone complaint about it! :) I'd love to know how your experience has been and what's your favorite flavor?

Take Care 
The Syeda Sisters.

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